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All products are manufactured and assembled in France

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Care and Use Tips

To unhook the loop

1) Buckles in the palm of the hand, push hard forward and down.

2) Stirrup leather under the foot, forcefully pull the stirrups towards you.


To clean the security system

1) Remove the dust present in the slot and on the ball (ideally with compressed air).

2) Clean with water using a cloth or brush. Let dry.

3) Add occasionally and if necessary two drops of oil (bike oil style)

4) Respect the direction to replace the buckle . Its nose must be in contact with the stirrup above the logo. Force the buckle into this position by pushing into the slot.


Direction of use of stirrups

For the proper functioning of the automatic triggering system , there is a direction of use to be respected.

Remember to follow the direction of the arrows on the floor.

The rotation of the buckle is one of the strong added values ​​of Rid'Up stirrups , but it generates some constraints :

Indeed, our buckles are wearing parts , this is why we recommend that you use them. take care and change them 1 to 2 times a year . They are avalaible for sale on this website product/accessories/bucles

Before the competitions , do not hesitate to release the bucckle of your stirrups and flush trigger system in order to clean impurities (sand, dust) in order to improve its operation.


How tp change your stirrups floor

Changer ses planchers d'étriers

Retirer ses boucles d'étriers

Changer ses planchers d'étriers


Why do you consider Rid’Up technology to be the best on the market in terms of safety?

We would like a third-party organization to prove it, but we are convinced that our statistical safety returns are much better for Rid’Up technology than the competitors.

Our customer feedback regularly proves this.

The majority, if not all, of the so-called safety stirrup technologies available on the market are single-branch stirrups.

Safety is a statistical concept; no brand can claim zero risk.

Nevertheless, it is extremely common to receive feedback from riders for whom this single-branch system has not worked. An objective and statistical analysis would be essential.

These stirrups are asymmetrical with one branch open to the side.

This branch is sometimes closed by a piece of rubber, plastic, or a non-structural elastic, or partially or completely open.

The issues encountered when riding with this type of stirrup include:

The leverage effect generated by the rider's weight on the branch angle causes fatigue and a significant risk of breakage.
The left-right behavior is different, the damping is not harmonized, and this can cause ankle pain as they must constantly compensate for this imbalance.
The open branch, if not closed, risks catching on the reins or worse, on external elements (candlesticks, stable doors, etc.).
Unlike the Rid’Up/Look system, this technology is not patented and therefore widely accessible to all without reflection or innovation at the expense of rider safety.

Rid’Up's automatic release technology in the event of a fall prevents the above points.

Does the system trigger for all falls?

Obviously, if the foot is not trapped during the fall, the system will not be triggered.

In addition, security is a statistical concept: The security system largely reduces the risk but does not cancel it. Zero risk unfortunately does not exist.

Can the safety system be triggered when I am on horseback and do not fall?

We do not market a product which brings risks but which reduces them!

Triggering is generated by the angle of the fall, not the force exerted on the stirrup.
For several years, high-level riders from all disciplines have been riding with the same stirrups as those we sell. They would not do it if they assessed too great a risk of triggering on horseback.

The feedback is particularly excellent on the calipers. Do you select them?

No ! 100% of the comments are available on the site and on the brand's Facebook page. We don't select anything. All the customers are delighted and so are we!

Should I buy the Rid-Up stirrup leathers if I buy the stirrups?

No, the stirrup leather provides a little more comfort, but is not essential to enjoy the stirrups.

What is the difference between PLUS and FUN stirrups?

Our PLUS and FUN stirrups both have the comfort/safety system with the patented buckle: during certain falls, the buckle can detach from the stirrup, preventing it from being dragged by the horse.

However, the 2 ranges differ on certain points:

  • Size: The FUN stirrups have a floor of 11cm wide and are therefore recommended for children or an adult wearing a maximum size 37, without maximum weight. The PLUS models have a 12cm wide floor and have no size or weight limit.

  • Comfort: The PLUS stirrups have a TPE sole to absorb shock, the FUN stirrups do not have this.

  • Grip: PLUS stirrups have 2 rows of steel studs for complete grip. The FUN stirrups also have crampons but they are not made of steel.

  • The price: The FUN range makes security more accessible.
    The price and colors of each range are available in the product catalog.

How to test calipers?

The majority of saddlery resellers visible on the “point of sale” tab of the site offer pairs for trial (call them to confirm).

Free return and full refund also allows you to test them for 30 days. We don't ask for anything! We refund upon receipt, even if they have obviously been used and are dirty.

What do you do with returns?

The few corresponding returns are used in test pairs for our resellers and partners.

Peut-on ajouter des coques de sécurité sur les étriers ?

Les étriers Rid'Up étant déjà des étriers de sécurité, nous n'avons pas développé de coques de sécurité compatibles.

Quelle est la différence entre le modèle FUN et le modèle PLUS Intense Small ?

Points communs et différences entre PLUS intense Small et FUN :

  1. Sécurité : Système de déclenchement automatique breveté, réduisant le risque de se faire traîner après une chute.
  2. Confort : Inclinaison naturelle et orientation perpendiculaire pour faciliter le chaussage et améliorer la posture.
  3. Adhérence : Plancher large pour un bon appui et grip antidérapant.
  4. Adaptation aux petits pieds : Plancher de largeur 11 cm pour pointure 39 inclus maximum, sans limite de poids.

Différences :

  1. Absorption des chocs : Le modèle PLUS Intense Small possède une semelle en TPE pour une absorption des chocs optimale, absent dans le FUN.
  2. Crampons : 5 gros picots en acier présents sur le PLUS, pour une meilleure adhérence. Petits piquots légers sur le FUN.
J’ai un modèle PLUS acheté il y a plusieurs années. Est-il compatible avec les nouveaux kit planchers ?

Le corps d'étrier PLUS, peu importe sa date d’achat, est compatible avec tous les différents planchers de la gamme (classique, intense et distance).